Waste Robotics – Market News

April 25 2018 | Others

Here’s the Waste Robotics Market News including the 10 key news of this week in waste and recycling industries.

Walmart commits to ‘zero food waste’ in Canadian stores by 2025

April 19, 2018 – Over the past few years, a little green manual has been slowly making its way into the hands of Walmart store workers. Titled Would I Buy It?, the manual is a visual guide that helps employees decide whether fruits and vegetables are still good for sale and when they should be “culled.” For example, the sapota, a tropical fruit common in India, is supposed to soften as it ripens, the guide states – slightly wrinkled skin is completely normal.

Read more on The Globe & Mail

SWANA Focuses on Plastic Reduction & Recycling for Earth Day 2018

April 19, 2018 – On Earth Day 2018, the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) commits to a renewed focus on reducing the generation of single-use plastics and correctly recycling these materials, urging industry and public education efforts.

Read more on Swana

Recycling Council of Ontario to Trial a Unique Co-Operative Model to Decrease Food Waste in the Commercial Sector

April 20, 2018 – Co-operatives are structured to meet the common needs of its members. A food co-op, for example, may offer local and organic produce, partner with local suppliers, and make it more accessible and affordable for members to buy groceries. Recycling Council of Ontario (RCO), with support through a $273,700 USD grant from the Walmart Foundation, aims to apply the co-op model with a slightly different approach: saving food instead of selling food.

Read more on Waste Advantage Magazine

Canadian food and beverage companies to reduce food waste

April 19, 2018 – The Canadian Centre for Food Integrity has received a grant of US$520,049.40 from the Walmart Foundation to probe Canadian attitudes on food waste and to help food and beverage businesses make measurable food waste reductions in their facilities. This grant is part of the Walmart Foundation’s $15 million USD commitment to prevent food waste and support food banks.

Read more on Materials Management & Distribution Online

China will expand ban to post-industrial plastic

April 19, 2018 – China plans to prohibit imports of post-industrial scrap plastic by the end of the year, according to documents published today by the country’s environmental department. The Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment announced that it is set to recategorize post-industrial PE, PET, PS, PVC and other scrap plastic as materials banned from import, according to an online translation of the Chinese documents.

Read more on Resource Recycling

Blue box or garbage bag?

April 20, 2018 – Do I or don’t I? It’s a question that plagues thousands of Quinte residents every week as they sort through garbage and recycling before putting it out on the curb. Do those plastic shopping bags go in the blue box or the trash bin? What about that grease-stained pizza box, it’s cardboard so it must be recyclable, right? While the process can be a bit daunting, Rachel Revoy, communications coordinator at Quinte Waste Solutions shared a few tips residents can use to help them sort it all out in a recent interview with The Intelligencer.

Read more on Intelligencer

These 5 Companies Are Leading The Charge On Recycling

April 23, 2018 – With scientists predicting that if nothing changes in our plastic consumption habits, there will be more plastic in the oceans than there are fish by 2050, it’s not surprising that this year’s Earth Day theme is End Plastic Pollution. According a recent study from Science Advance, since the invention of plastic in 1907, 8.3 billion metric tons of virgin (non-recycled) plastic have been produced, generating 6.3 billion metric tons of waste, 79% of which has piled up in landfills while just 9% has been recycled.

Read more on Waste Advantage Magazine

Recycling prevalence increasing; work still to be done at local level

April 22, 2018 – With Earth Day dawning today, city and state recycling officials said Missouri is making strides to make the state a greener place. Missouri cities and towns divert about half of municipal waste away from landfills. Jefferson City officials said the amount of material being recycled in the city did not decrease last year. Statewide groups said although people know many of the benefits of recycling, residents still can be educated about how to improve the recycling ecosystem.

Read more on News Tribune

Reduce contaminated recycling with tips from Republic

April 18, 2018 – In celebration of Earth Day on April 22, Republic Services Inc. encourages their employees and the communities they serve to commit to taking their recycling habits to the next level with #1MORE act of environmental responsibility to reduce contamination of the recycling waste stream.

Read more on Solid Waste Mag

Canary Wharf launches one of the UK’s first deposit return schemes

April 19, 2018 – Visitors to Canary Wharf will now be able to recycle their single-use plastic bottles and cans using a deposit return machine. Positioned in Canada Place, the Canary Wharf Group claim the machine is the first of its type in the UK. It uses a 360-degree scanning recognition system to identify, segregate, collect and process the waste drink collectors. Users will be rewarded with vouchers and discounts planned to roll out in the next few months.

Read more on Recycling Waste World

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