Waste Robotics Market News

March 22 2018 | Others

Here’s the Waste Robotics Market News including the 10 key news of this week in waste and recycling industries.


New Report Shows Ways to Help Solve North America’s Food Loss and Waste Problem

March 27, 2018 – The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) released a comprehensive report on the state of food loss and waste in Canada, Mexico and the United States developed through the CEC’s North American Initiative on Food Waste Reduction and Recovery. Characterization and Management of Food Loss and Waste in North America documents adverse socio-economic and environmental impacts of food loss and waste, and actions that the industrial, commercial, institutional, government and nongovernmental sectors can implement to mitigate these impacts.

Read more on Waste Advantage Magazine


Many Canadians are recycling wrong, and it’s costing us millions

April 06, 2018 – Canadians are throwing too much garbage into their blue bins, sometimes out of laziness or ignorance, but sometimes with the best of intentions. And it’s costing recycling programs millions of dollars a year.

Read more on CBC News


Key Takeaways from Report on the State of Organic Waste Management in North America

April 02, 2018 – The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), an offshoot of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), has released a new report titled “Characterization and Management of Organic Waste in North America—Foundational Report” based on the findings of two years of research.

Read more on Waste 360


New York State Budget Misses Major Opportunity on Food Waste

April 08, 2018 – The 2018-2019 New York State Budget was finalized last week. Unfortunately, it did not include the Governor’s great proposal on food waste and as a result missed a huge opportunity to get healthy food to hungry New Yorkers and fight climate change. Earlier this year Governor Cuomo put forth a comprehensive proposal to address food waste by preventing, recovering and recycling excess food across the state.

Read more on Waste Advantage Magazine


New York City Department of Sanitation releases waste characterization study

April 04, 2018 – The New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY), has announced the release of its 2017 NYC Residential, School and New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Waste Characterization Study, the latest look at what New Yorkers put in their trash, recycling and organics bins.

Read more on Waste Today


Blue bin blunders could cost Torontonians 3 per cent solid waste fee hike

April 05, 2018 – Toronto homeowners could be facing a solid waste management fee hike because they’re tossing the wrong items into their blue bins which is costing the City of Toronto money. Solid waste manager Jim McKay says revenue from selling recycled material has dropped and the expense of sorting out contamination has gone up, leaving him looking at a $9-million shortfall next year.

Read more on City News


Survey: 61% of Consumers Always Recycle Food, Beverage Cartons

April 01, 2018 – Americans are recycling their food and beverage cartons more than ever and continue to look to brands to actively help drive the recycling of their products’ packages, according to a new survey by the Carton Council of North America. The national survey of more than 6,900 U.S. adults showed that 61% of respondents report they always recycle their food and beverage cartons, up 11% from when the survey was last conducted two years ago.

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China’s Shuttered End-Markets gives North America motivation to open new doors

April 03, 2018 – When China closed its doors to scrap commodity materials, including recovered plastics, because of unacceptable levels of “carried waste”, it set many countries around the globe that ship post-consumer materials to China on their heels. And, like a whack-a-mole game, the pain kept popping up. Even before the end of last year, alternative markets in South Asia and in many countries stopped accepting imports, as redirected shipments from Europe and North America overflowed domestic and global capacity to process plastics and other materials.

Read more on Recycling Product News


Zerocycle Engagement Initiatives Boost Recycling Rates for Buffalo & Cincinnati

March 28, 2018 – Washington DC based Zerocycle, the creator of a proprietary Resident Engagement Platform (REP) that uses rich data analytics and behavioural science techniques to help local governments increase recycling, reduce waste and lower disposal costs, has concluded two initiatives with the City of Buffalo, New York and the City of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Read more on Waste Management World


Your Old Computer Could Be a Better Source of Metals than a Mine

April 05, 2018 – From your water-logged phone to your smashed smart TV, those personal electronics headed for the landfill are a potential goldmine. Or copper mine. Or—some day—a lithium mine. Economists already knew that along with the swelling 44.7 million metric tons of electronic waste tossed each year we were throwing out billions of dollars in resources. But quantifying all the gold, copper, iron, plastic, and rare earths languishing in our landfills and recycling centers is only part of the problem.

Read more on Waste Advantage Magazine



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